They practiced their own religion in their own way which was based on the sun. Although these people were small in stature being only on average four feet tall, they were very intelligent and as is often the case with intelligent people, they were peace loving. They were rumored to possess a great treasure beyond belief.
Being small in stature other tribes sometimes sought to rob and bully them. The dwarves were not easy victims. They had learned how to make strong potions and incantations that would usually frighten off their enemies without the need for bloodshed. Once these were invoked all that was usually needed was a show of arms to discourage fighting.
One day they learned that their enemies were preparing a massive attack on them. Their chief had called together all the braves of his people and was leading them towards Superstition Mountain determined to wipe out the peace loving dwarfs and take all their flocks but what they really wanted was to steal their great treasure.
Pale-faced Woman
The dwarfs hid their flocks of sheep in hidden valleys and built walls and fortifications in strategic places that guarded the passes to their land and made plans for their self-defense. All of these plans and works were supervised and directed by a woman who was not of their race but who had come among them from an unknown land. This woman was tall, with golden hair and a pale face and she exuded an air of command. Although she was not of their kind the Pueblo dwarfs held her in awe and reverence following her every word and treasuring her every word.
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