- Mysterious ancient symbol found through England, Europe, Middle East and China.
- It is also used as a motif in heraldry, jewelry, ornaments, tattoos and other works of art.
- There is a threefold rotational symmetry with each of the three ears being shared by two hares. The ears form a triangle that appears at the centre of the circle, where, instead of there being six ears visible, there are only three, even though individually the hares all show two.
- The symbol is similar to the triskelion the triquetra and the triple spiral, or triskele.
- The Three Hares motif seems to have spread from the Far East westwards between 600 AD and 1500 AD.
- The Three Hares motif is found in a number of churches in some European countries. In Lyons, France the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière and in Germany, the Paderborn Cathedral display excellent examples of the use of the motif.
- The southwestern parts of England has the most examples and the Three Hares Trail can be followed to see them.
- Ancient German riddle - Three hares sharing three ears, Yet every one of them has two.
An ancient symbol The three hares is an ancient symbol that is found in many religious places, buildings and caves ranging from the British Isles, Germany, France and other parts of Europe to the Middle East and parts of China in the Far East. In Britain the symbols are mostly architectural ornaments or found in church roofs and sometimes on ceilings of private homes. In Europe they are found mostly in churches and synagogues. It is also used as a motif in heraldry, jewelry, ornaments, tattoos and other works of art. It has been wrought in many different materials and can be thought of as a puzzle, a topological problem, or a visual challenge, and can be found in stone sculptures, wood carvings, paintings, drawings and metal work. Read more
![]() Around the world animal totems have been used by many different societies throughout history. In the present day some people still use them to help with their spiritual development and growth. Many societies believed that by reproducing an animal’s qualities in their own lives, spiritual growth, greater awareness and harmony with the universe can be achieved. There are times when the universe is a vast and impersonal place and we cannot see our place in it. Things happen to us and situations arise which seem unfair and cruel. The Raven totem is a reminder that it is necessary to die to be reborn, that it is necessary to be destroyed before being renewed. The message is trust the universe. Read more ![]() In some cultures, particularly those of North America, there is a belief that an animal spirit will find a person when they are ready to evolve spiritually, or when they have a task that must be accomplished. In other cultures it is believed that doors to spiritual development can be opened by studying an animal’s behavior and special attributes. Many human cultures around the world use animal totems and ideas and practices vary from region to region. A totem can be a sculpture or carving, or any type of pictorial representation such as a drawing or painting, or an object that can meaningfully represent an animal and spirit. The Cougar totem teaches us that we must learn to know our own power and learn to trust our instincts. If we can do this we can choose suitable goals that are attainable and satisfying. When we know this we know what goals are within our power to attain and we can focus on them stalking them with deliberation. Read more ![]() The Passion flower (Passiflora) is also known as Maypops, and in parts of South America, Maracuja. It is a plant of the Americas that was taken to Spain and later Europe and other parts of the world by early Spanish explorers and missionaries. In South America, early Catholic missionaries used parts of the flower’s anatomy as symbols representative of Christ’s suffering and from there it entered into folklore. The name relates to the Passion of Christ rather than having romantic connotations. Christian Symbolism In early times because most people could not read or write, in Christian art and teaching, flowers were used as symbols representing profound metaphysical ideas and concepts to make it easier for the uneducated mass of people to understand. In some cases symbols were taken from the earlier pagan times before Christianity. The Passion flower became part of this tradition when it was adopted by early Catholic missionaries and brought back to Spain from the New World. Read more ![]() Abracadabra!’ cried the magician and with wave of his hand he manifests a pure white dove from his silk handkerchief. We all know the word “abracadabra,” but is it just a word that magicians say to create drama, or does it have some other meaning lost to modern society? We know abracadabra as the ‘magic’ word used by stage magicians to cast the spell that makes their tricks work. It is the spoken incantation of the word that invokes the spell into action. Read more |
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