The Great Stone Mother of the Paiutes people sits on the eastern shore of Pyramid Lake, in eastern Nevada, North America and is actually an extraordinary natural tufa rock formation. It bears a remarkable likeness to the figure of a hooded Indian woman sat looking out over the lake with her basket resting next to her. To the Paiutes she has not always been stone but was the mother of their people. What follows next is an extraordinary legend that tells of their origin and how she became petrified into stone.
The Legend of the Great Stone MotherWhen the world was very young Man, the father of the people, roamed the earth alone and came to a mountain that was near still water. Finding the place to his liking he made the Reese River and decided to live there. The father had a good and great soul but he was lonely living on his own and longed for company.
Many days passed and eventually rumor of the existence of Man reached Woman, who became the mother of the people, but at then was married to Bear. She grew very curious about Man and longed to see him.
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