Many myths and legends from many cultures around the world revolve around the theme of a child deliberately abandoned in the wilds or cast adrift on the ocean or a river. The story involves a helpless and defenseless baby committed by adults to take their chances of survival but against all odds and often with the help of divine intervention the baby survives to grow up and play a significant part in the culture of a society. More often than not they become great leaders saving or inspiring their people.
Usually, those that cast the helpless babe adrift are not doing so with the intention of actually killing the child but are offering up for the chance of divine intervention, or luck, in the hope that the baby will survive the ordeal. Sometimes it is the only chance the baby will have of survival because it has been rejected in some way by those who have power over it or others who wish it harm. Presented here are four ancient examples from folklore and mythology around the world concluding with an example from modern fiction. Read More