When the first sightings of a large black dog with a long, shaggy, unkempt coat were reported, some accounts said it was like a huge spaniel. No one knew who it belonged to, where it had come from, or how it got into the castle.
Its presence was a complete mystery, always appearing after the gates were shut. Sometimes it would appear in one room, and at other times would be seen in different parts of the castle and grounds.
Every evening after the fire was kindled in the guard room fireplace and as the cold and gloom began to dissipate the dog would be heard padding down the passage to enter the guard room.
The huge creature ignored the frightened guards and making no sound lay by the fireside until dawn. Then just before the sun rose it would get up and pad into the passage and disappear until evening when it would reappear again.
The dog is said to have had a supernatural appearance and although the guards were frightened of the beast they would ignore it. Instead of drinking and reveling they would tend to keep sober and quiet so as not to disturb, keeping on their best behavior. However, now instead of one soldier taking the key to the Captain’s quarters, two would go. No one would walk along the black passage alone after the appearance of the dog. Read more